Thursday, October 6, 2011

Truly Beyond the Classroom Walls-1

Yesterday myself and Rabbi Shira Leibowitz were invited by Mr. Brett Clark to skype with his class about Judaism.

I want to thank Mr. Clark for the opportunity as well as his students at the Lodge Community School in Evansville Indiana.

I also want to thank Rabbi Leibowitz for sharing the stage with me and adding a lot her special and unique insights to the conversation.

Below you will find links to the press coverage of this event.

However I want to share with you my major Take Aways from this experience:

1. Not only did the students learn but it was an engaging and learning experience for me as the presenter ( I would assume Rabbi Leibowitz feels the same way)

2. With not very much technology ( a video camera and mic) the possibilities are endless and we can as the title suggests move "Way Beyond the Classroom Walls" .

3. I was very impressed by the question the students asked and when given the opportunity to think critically, ask questions, and make learning real you will be amazed what our students are truly capable of.

Again thank you to Mr. Clark and his students

As we say in Hebrew Kol Hakavod!!

Lodge Elementary Students Use Video-Chat in Class: EVANSVILLE- Seventh graders at Lodge Elementary School are traveling to New York and to Memphis without any luggage.