I posted this last year but the message is still important and still very appropriate
Below is my Rosh Hashanah ( New Year's ) Message that I sent out to my faculty.
I just wanted to take a moment and say Thank You!
Thank you for your support
Thank you for your help
Thank you for your understanding and patience
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication
The list can go on but I think you get the idea.
This often is a thankless job and I at times are just as guilty as the next person in not showing my appreciation and HaKarat Hatov (recognizing the good) in all that you do.
In the spirit of being open and transparent, I would like to share with you some of my SMART goals for the coming year some personal and some professional.
I hope to be a better friend and keep connected to friends in other communities
I want to set aside at least 30 min to an hour day for my own learning ( small and manageable)
I want to listen better to your ideas
I want to say thank you to each and every one of you at least once a week
I want to spend more quality time with my family
May we be Zocheh ( merit) a year of health and happiness and may this be a year of prosperity and peace
Wishing you all a Ketiva V'Chatima Tova
Executive Search Recruiting is like being a Matchmaker by connecting Clients ( Organizations ) with Candidates ( Job Seekers) Through this blog I will share my journey and thoughts about recruiting.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Lessons Learned
We started our
first full week of school and at the same time Jews across the world are
preparing for the Start of Rosh Hashanah which begins Sunday night. I thought I
would reflect on the start of the school year and the lessons I learned that
will hopefully make me a better Leader and more importantly a better a person.
By no means is this a
complete list just some short reflections.
Being open and honest. Practicing what you preach., and being as Transparent as
possible. ( I think these ideas speak for themselves)
responsibility- Related to honesty one needs to admit when they did something
wrong and Say I am sorry. As I have quoted often ‘Mistakes Happen It is hoe we
come back from Mistakes that Matter”
Show people you care about them ( Self explanatory)
first- One of the best ways we show people that they matter and that we care
about them is to give them the time and respect to listen to them.
Willing to Learn – No one is perfect and we need to be always willing to learn
and take ideas from others
Both in the sense of shared responsibility but more importantly sharing of
ideas and a culture of shared leadership. We vs I
Problems Just solutions- Meaning focus on the positive. Stay positive and don’t
over react or get down, try to stay level headed.
As I was reflecting and
putting my thoughts together I also
started reading ‘Schools that Learn by
Peter Senge
He has “Five Disciplines of
Organizational Learning”
Mastery – To develop a clear personal vision
Vision – the need to create strategies and principles to get you there
Models – a discipline based on reflection
Learning – to tap into the collective thinking and learning of a group and mobilize
that energy to achieve common goals
Thinking- to gain a broader and deeper understanding of the subjects they study
and how they fit into a larger system.
I have just started the book
but I thought some of Senge Disciplines
spoke to me and to my ideas and wanted to share those with you.
As we embark on a new school year
and as I and other Jews prepare for the High Holidays may this be a year filled with growth and
My Thoughts
Friday, September 7, 2012
Making it Real
Here is an article I wrote for our school newsletter:
the school year begins we focus
on Elul, Rosh
Hashanah and Yom
Kippur.( The High Holidays) If you ask most
students what these days mean
to them, they will tell you it is
a time for “Teshuvah.”
does Teshuvah
mean and how can
we make it real for our students?Literally
translated Teshuvah
to return. At this time of year
we return to Hashem ( G-D)and we
hope and pray that, as the
Navi ( Prophets) tells us, Hashem returns to us as well.
Most students, however,
will tell you that Teshuvah means
to say I
am sorry and ask for forgiveness. Yes, asking for forgiveness
is an element of the Teshuvah process, but
it is not the complete understanding of Teshuvah.
can we make the important and central theme of personal
growth practical and real for ourselves and,
importantly, for our students?
would like to share two thoughts on this topic. Thefirst
I learned last week when Rabbi Shmuel Silber, Rabbi
of Suburban Orthodox Toras Chaim, came to speak
to our students in grades five through seven. Based
on a Rashi in last week’s parsha ( Bible Portion ),
he said that the
reason we do a Chesed (act of kindness) is
not for the
recognition or the honor but because it is the right thing
to do and the Torah( Bible) told us to do it. When faced with
choices, at times the right choice can be unpopular or
not the “in thing” to do. Nevertheless it is the correct path
to follow. It reminded me of a quote that I saw, “Stand
up for what is right even
if you stand alone.” For our students
today, the message of making
the right choices is a very practical
and real one.
second thought on this topic stems
from research about setting goals
and dealing with change.
It is an idea that our Gedolim (sages)
have mentioned as well.
When setting goals, it is important that
our goals are small
attainable. I shared with the students
that during the first Gulf War in 1991, Jews around
the world were asked to increase their observance of mitzvot,( Commandments) tezedakah (Charity) and chesed( Acts of Kindness). It is said that someone
asked Rav Shach ZT”L what he would do differently, and
he answered that when he says Birkat HaMazon
(grace after meals), he will use a Birkon (bencher)
and not say it by heart. The lesson is clear. Even
one of greatest Gedolim knew that to achieve change
and growth small and attainable goals would need
to be set.
As we
enter this time of year, there are a lot of challenges and
great opportunities ahead of us. As educators we
strive to make the learning in all subject areas across
the Judaic and general studies come alive for
students. By connecting our learning to our world, we
become lifelong learners. May we all be zocheh (Merit) to see
great things from our children, our school and our community.