Monday, December 5, 2011

Mixed Emotions

I found out the other day that I was nominated and made the short list for an Edublog award for Best Administrator Blog.

To be honest I had mixed feelings. On the one hand I never started blogging to get awards and to be honest for that reason and others I didn't nominate others. ( I am very honored and thankful that I was nominated)

On the other hand to be honest it felt good to be nominated and recognized for what I have done. Hence my mixed emotions.

Then I started thinking that there must be a bigger message here, after all the whole concept of awards is one that has been debated on twitter. Tonight I RT the following:

RT @phsprincipal: Finding meaning in the edublog awards by @stumpteacher <--very well said! Was thinking the same

This post sums up a lot of what I was thinking but I return to my original question what is the bigger message, what can I take away from all this

To me the biggest take away I have from being nominated is that "WE ALL MATTER". Who would have thought an orthodox Rabbi from Memphis TN would have almost 2,100 followers on twitter and start a blog that would actually be nominated for an Edublog award. Well I would never have!

So whether it is education reform, or just changing the way you teach. Or maybe it is why or what can I learn or offer others on Twitter, and for some maybe it is why should I blog what can I say that people want to read about

To all of you I say "YOU MATTER" and don't let anything stop you.


  1. I agree...I also have mixed messages and am still not sure if I'm going to add the badge to my blog. I have enjoyed learning from an Orthodox Rabbi/Principal!

  2. PrincipalJ

    Thank you for your comment. I am lucky to have a great PLN. I have enjoyed learning with you as well,and your passion and commitment to your students and teachers inspires me.

    One of my only regrets is that I have yet to meet you many others from my amazing PLN in person.
    Thanks again Jessica and see you on Twitter

