Picture: misfitpolitics.co
Last week I
had the opportunity to attend the iJed conference in New York with over 300
other Jewish educators from around the world.
The experience was amazing and perhaps on a personal level for me the
high point was seeing and hearing Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks in person. Rabbi
Sacks is a personal hero and someone who I have quoted many times in the past
and to see and hear in person was a true thrill.
On a professional
level the one big takeaway for me was the importance of creating a proper school
culture. School culture is more than “As mentioned previously, the notion of
school culture is a bit more complex than pom-poms and color war chants.”
culture is pervasive and covers all areas of leadership for student learning
and achievement and even our approach to how we educate and treat all students (including
those with diverse needs)
The report
mentioned above states the following: “Contemporary research continues to
point to the impact of school culture on a variety of important outcomes. In a
major meta-analysis of research on leadership and student achievement, Waters
and associates (2004) discovered a strong correlation between aspects of school
culture and how well students performed. Student achievement was related to a
shared set of core beliefs, a focused and clear sense of purpose, recognition
of staff and student accomplishments, intellectual engagement, and celebrations
of success. Although structures fostered connection, discussion of purpose, and
school improvement, it was clear that these were deeply embedded in the culture
of values, stories, ceremonies, and celebrations (Waters, Marzano, &
McNulty, 2004).
This idea to
me was the true takeaway from the conference. We can’t talk about our view on
diverse learners, how we are going to incorporate technology and other
important tools and the issue of affordability and sustainability without
talking School culture. What our beliefs are going to shape the type of
school, we have and what outcomes we want for our students.
What I am
saying is not new nor is it my own. The report on School Culture and Literature
in July 2013 stated:
affects all aspects of a school.
influences informal conversations in the faculty lunch room, the type of
instruction valued, how professional development is viewed, and the shared
commitment to assuring all students learn.
Culture fosters school effectiveness and productivity
succeed in a culture focused on productivity (rather than on maintenance or
ease of work), performance (hard work, dedication, and perseverance), and
improvement (continuous fine-tuning and refinement of teaching). Such a culture
helps teachers overcome the uncertainty of their work (Lortie, 1975) by
providing focus and collegiality. It provides motivation to persevere in the
demanding work of teaching thirty students in a small, usually isolated, space.
It encourages, sanctions, and rewards professionals in the constant task of
improving their craft. (Purkey & Smith, 1983; Levine & Lezotte, 1990;
Newmann & Associates, 1996; Leithwood & Louis, 1998).
Culture improves collegiality, collaboration, communication, and
problem-solving practices
that value collegiality and collaboration offer a better opportunity for the
social and professional exchange of ideas, the enhancement and spread of
effective practices, and widespread professional problem solving. (Little,
1982; Peterson & Brietzke, 1994; Kruse & Louis, 1997; DuFour, 2007).
Culture promotes innovation and school improvement
cultures that harbor mediocrity, inertia, and apathy are unlikely to be
innovative. In contrast, schools that encourage change and risk taking foster people
who seek innovative practices and experiment with new approaches. In positive
cultures, staff plan and implement new practices. (Little, 1982; Louis &
Miles, 1990; Deal & Peterson, 1990; Kruse & Louis, 1997; Waters,
Marzano, & McNulty, 2004).
4) Culture
builds commitment and kindles motivation
are motivated and feel committed to an enterprise that has meaning, values, and
an ennobling purpose. Motivation is strengthened through rituals that nurture
identification, traditions that intensify connection to the school, ceremonies
that build community, and stories that convey the heart and soul of the
enterprise. (Schein, 1985, 2004).
Culture amplifies the energy and vitality of school staff, students, and
It has
long been known that social climate and culture influence the emotional and
psychological orientation of a school. Many say that the context is infectious.
This is especially the case in schools that are optimistic, caring, supportive,
and energetic. Staff, students, and community are likely to take on those same
characteristics. But the opposite is also true. Some school cultures are toxic.
The social milieu is so negative that even the positive individual can become
discouraged or disheartened.
Culture focuses attention on what is important and valued
job descriptions, and policies can influence what a person does. Yet unwritten
rules, informal expectations, and rites and rituals may be even more meaningful
precursors of positive action and sustained progress. Unstated, often hidden,
assumptions and expectations are embedded in cultural patterns and become more
intensified over time. With meaningful values, daily work is centered on
important issues of quality instruction, continuous refinement of teaching, and
accelerated learning. (Deal & Kennedy, 1982; Schein, 1985, 2004).
If however I
had to rank the different culture or for argument's sake tell you which one I
find the most important it would a culture of learning.
A culture of
learning affects the following areas:
· It creates a transparent culture amongst teachers in that teachers are willing to learn and grow.
· It creates a feeling of learning-reflect-share
· Creates lifelong learners amongst the faculty which in turn creates this culture for our students
· Only when the adults and teachers are learners can we expect our students to be learners
· One must be open to change and willing to grow, which is created when people are constantly learning and willing to explore new ideas
· Fosters a growth mindset
· With all the above creates an environment where all children can grow and succeed
· It creates a transparent culture amongst teachers in that teachers are willing to learn and grow.
· It creates a feeling of learning-reflect-share
· Creates lifelong learners amongst the faculty which in turn creates this culture for our students
· Only when the adults and teachers are learners can we expect our students to be learners
· One must be open to change and willing to grow, which is created when people are constantly learning and willing to explore new ideas
· Fosters a growth mindset
· With all the above creates an environment where all children can grow and succeed
At times culture
is something that we talk about or that is something for the school leadership
to address and doesn’t affect me. Hopefully I have made the case that school
culture is not something that can be ignored and at least in terms of a Culture
of learning it is something that all of us need to be working on.
I want to
thank the organizers of iJed for putting together a wonderful learning