Executive Search Recruiting is like being a Matchmaker by connecting Clients ( Organizations ) with Candidates ( Job Seekers) Through this blog I will share my journey and thoughts about recruiting.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Are We Doing Our Part - Day 1 Blog Challenge
Last night I had the opportunity to listen to #Principalcast hosted by Theresa Stager. Last nights guest is one of my hero's and inspirations Kelley Tenkeley.
The concept of blogging and the importance of blogging was a big part of the conversation. I am in now way going to ever be in the same league as Kelley but I have begun my own personal blog challenge ands that is blog once a day for a month ( except Saturday's ) and see where we go from there. My concern was what if I have nothing to write about. the advice given last night was don't worry about the reader write about something that motivates and is important to you. So this is my first blog in the blog challenge.
I cant write this post without first praying for a safe return of all the IDF soldiers and that G-D watch over them and we have peace in the region speedily. I also pray that G-D can comfort those families whose Husbands, Fathers, and Sons gave the ultimate sacrifice their lives for the safety and security of Israel.
This is absolutely a time for prayer, trust, faith and belief. We know that G-D has a plan and that every thing G-D does is just. I don't think we as humans need to worry about G-D. To me the bigger question which many Rabbi's have asked are we doing our part? Are we doing all that we can do. Whether that means prayer, giving charity, doing more good deeds or being nicer and friendly to our fellow man. It is no coincidence that Jews find themselves in the period of mourning related to the destruction of the Temple which was destroyed ( the second Temple ) because of baseless hatred.
So I ask again are we doing our part
But I believe this question can be ask in all area of our lives. For me am I doing my part in finding a job and growing my consulting business.
As educators are we doing our part to give our students the skills they need to be engaged citizens in this global economy we live in? Are we doing our part in making sure we reach those hard to reach students?
Are we doing our part in making sure we create an inclusive environment for all students.
I don't have all if any of the answers. For some things we do need to rely solely on G-D and his protection but in Judaism we also have a concept that we don't rely on miracles. So before we blame others and we blame the system or so and so let us ask ourselves
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