Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Question is Not What Happens Today, but Rather What Happens Tomorrow

Today Jews around the world mourn the loss of the two temples which were destroyed on the Ninth of Av, today's Hebrew date. This day has also come to commemorate and remember many of the tragedies that have befallen the Jewish the people including the Holocaust and victims of terror.

As people lament today and mourn it doesn't take more than turning on the news or looking at ones  Facebook feed to put you  in the proper frame of mind.

However, my question and concern is not about today. Today we come together as one people. The level of Jewish unity expressed today perhaps is unprecedented and it is no coincidence that these events are taking place during this time of year when we mourn the second temple which was destroyed for baseless hatred.
My question is what happens "tomorrow"?
What happens once with G-D helps we will defeat Hamas and restore security to our brothers and sisters living in Israel, will we still be as united?

Will we continue to work together, and respect each others differences. Will religious,and non religious Jews, Jews with black hats and with a kipah serugah stand arm and arm and sing?

Those are my questions have we learned our lessons from over the 2,000 years to become truly one nation serving our Father in heaven

My hope and prayer is that we will take the lessons of the past and merit the final redemption and the building of the Temple speedily in our day.

AS A TOTAL SIDE POINT: A similar question can be asked as many go back to school. The energy in the beginning of the school and the motivation is never an issue, but what happens the next day and the day after that and on the 100th day. I hope as well for teachers is that the excitement and motivation they felt now they feel in a month from now, six months from now and ten months from now

1 comment:

  1. I think we all experience low times in our journey... no matter what it is. Blogging, teaching, our hobbies, day to day life. It is almost as if you recognize you are only on mile 5 of a marathon.

    Somehow though we push through... we find that inspiration, we dig deep, whatever we need...

    Thanks for being so open in your sharing!
