Monday, September 22, 2014

A Journey

My last few posts have been somewhat related to the upcoming Jewish Days of Awe which begging with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and day we are judged.
It gives most people myself included  time for reflect and personal retrospection on what has happened during the course of the last year and how we can and need to improve on the past.

At the same time we are told that we are not expected to be like Moses but rather to be the best we an be and therefore no one is going to change overnight and that life is journey filled with ups and downs and we hope that when faced with a challenge we are not only ready for it but will react in a better or perhaps more positive way then we did when we faced the challenge at an earlier time.

just ti give a simple analogy a child deals with the challenge of being hungry much different than an adult deals with it. But there are times and challenges that force us to be in this constant state of flux if we will sometimes growing and sometimes slipping back and loosing a few steps.

I recently saw the following tweet:  Sep 20

This picture of success sure puts it all in perspective.

This is the picture associated with that tweet

I would venture to say the picture really represents all of life's struggles and that Life isn't just a simple line moving us in an upward direction but life as in success is truly much more complex and that at times in life it seems or looks like we are moving backwards.
We must remember that as in success, life is about a journey filled with ups and down but in the end we achieve success and hopefully our life long goals.

May this New Jewish year bring about much success, health, and happiness. While that is our wish and our prayer and ultimately we hope to granted that the journey to achieving it may not a straight path but rather a twisted one filled with many ups and downs.


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