Sharing ideas on Education, Leadership and Life

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Keeping The Focus


I have already written about the importance of keeping the focus on learning and student needs/ outcomes and not on technology. Perhaps this is most important when looking at the issue of blended of learning.

In preparing for this post I did a search on Slide share as well as YouTube for blended learning. It made me dizzy honestly.

However I found a short video on YouTube that I believe sums it up in a few words.

  1. What drives blended learning is meeting learning objectives 
  2. Blended learning is not "one size fits all"
  3. Must focus of individual learners needs and differences 
  4. Doesn't have to be confusing if you keep your eye on the prize which are your learning objectives. 
Here is the short YouTube video. Just like Blended learning isn't one size fits all this video is not the be all and end all and there are many different ideas and approaches that may fit your needs better. 

Bottom line what ever approach we use in our classroom it could be Blended, flipped, or the multiple  ways technology can improve learning we must keep the focus on what are our Learning Objectives!

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