Sharing ideas on Education, Leadership and Life

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Leaders Need To Start Doing

I recently read Art Petty's post about 20 Things Leaders should stop doing (

Hers is my list of what Leaders should start doing in no particular order

1. Start collaborating with others and sharing ideas
2. Start active listening skills
3. Start to treat all people with respect
4. Start to be open and honest with people
5. Start to be willing to learn and accept ideas from everyone
6. Start to be humble
7. Start to show others that it is OK to fail as long as you learn from your mistakes
8. Start to admit that you are wrong
9. Start to believe in others
10. Be willing to give up some control
11. Start to recognize the potential inherit in each person.

Please comment and share your list


  1. Here's mine, Akevy ...
    1. Love God first, others next, and myself last.
    Thanks for pushing us as leaders :)!

  2. Tom,

    Thanks for your comment and your constant support
