Friday, July 25, 2014

Consistency in Change

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Today we talk about growth and change and I have blogged and tweeted a lot about the topic and the importance of having a growth mindset. I would also consider myself someone who is open to change and a lifelong learner willing to face new challenges. Heck I started this 30 day blog challenge.

So where does Consistency fit with this change model.

Here is what I think. Sometimes we don’t get to control the changes that confront us, and sometimes the changes can be bad and bring about a crisis like the loss of a job and or family health issues. Yet we need to face these changes as much as we need to face the “good” changes. How do we do that? Foe me someone who in the past two years has faced both of those “bad” changes there have been three constants in my life.

1.     My Faith in G-D and my religious beliefs
2.     My Family
3.     My PLN/ Friends

Without all three I don’t know how I would have faced the changes that I have been confronted with over the years and will continue to face in the future (hopefully “good changes”).
Therefore for us to have that growth mind set and face change I believe we need to have some constants in our lives that ground us
What are your constants that ground you?

Please comment!

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