Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy Fourth Birthday

Tomorrow will be my blogs fourth birthday. A lot has happened in four years but that is for another time. I told myself in doing this blog challenge that as a Sabbath observer I reserved the right not to post a Saturday blog. Then I said I will just post two on Friday and perhaps maybe for my Saturday post I will repost things that I blogged about fours ago I doubt anyone remembers them.
So for my Saturday post which is #6 in my 30 day challenge I am posting my first blog post much of what I said then is still true today.
Sorry to my fellow challenge bloggers is this is cheating a bit


Why create a blog? An excellent question. Lately I have been exposed to the world of twitter and all that it can offer an educator and a educational leader. So therefore I thought I would share some of my thoughts for those that would be interested. Granted my thoughts come from perhaps a very different perspective than most. I have been in the field of education for over 20 years but always in the private sector and in a Jewish Day School.

As I sit here and write this opening to my blog I do ask myself what I can offer. I look at my shelves and I see the books that I read from Authors like; Collins, Fullan, Covey, Maxwell, McEwan, Marshal and Lencioni, and ask what can I add? The truth of the matter is that we all have our unique experiences and each see things in our own way and perhaps others could learn from those experiences. By no means do I or for that matter anyone have all the answers but if I could help someone as many others have helped me than it is all worth it.
In our prayers each week we ask G-D to give a spacial blessing for those who are involved in communal service. I cant think of a greater communal service than educating the leaders of tomorrow my G-D bless us all.

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